statistical phenomenon

英 [stəˈtɪstɪkl fəˈnɒmɪnən] 美 [stəˈtɪstɪkl fəˈnɑːmɪnən]

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  1. Until that happens, or until other hard evidence emerges, it would be wise to keep an open mind on QE and treat the economic recovery as a largely statistical phenomenon.
  2. But it's important to remember that inflation is a psychological as much as a statistical phenomenon, its impact largely a function of consumer perception.
  3. Statistical is about the correlation among sport social phenomenon.
  4. Because all of the uncertain parameters are regarded as random variables and the statistical method is utilized to estimate their general characteristics in the method of reliability analysis, this is comparatively suitable for the realistic phenomenon.
  5. The statistical result shows that the phenomenon of alignment in quasars is not obvious, at least in this group of samples.
  6. A non-equilibrium statistical phenomenon in a magnetized plasma is discussed. With the two-sphere approximation, we solve the reaction-diffusion equation using the "boundary layer approximation method".
  7. The article introduces a method predicting the trend of drought in Autumn by the statistical grade way in terms of the first phenological phenomenon of tee tree and rubber tree.
  8. Utilizing the hourly visibility data of the past 10 years of Baiyun International Airport, a statistical analysis on the climate characteristics of low visibility and a research on the weather phenomenon and systems causing low visibility has been made in this paper.
  9. The statistical fluctuation phenomenon will appear when the radiation source is relatively weak or the sensitivity of the detector is low.
  10. The protection of PVP for colloidal copper is also discussed. On the basic of polymer irregular clew statistical formula, some expressions are reasoned out. Some experimental phenomenon are explained combining with the theory of cage effect.
  11. Studying and evaluating long-term performance of the control area with statistical indicators, will help the control area "to atone", you can save a lot of energy consumption, but also effectively avoid the phenomenon of anti-tune the production.
  12. The article leads in case of previous survey data to statistical analysis of the phenomenon, to identify the crux of a disciplinary sanction disputes relief system, critical to learn from the disciplinary sanction of civil law and common law disputes system.
  13. Spatial Statistical Analysis consider that phenomenon or attributes of a spatial spot are have some kind of relation with there neighborhood 's. Almost all the spatial data have spatial independence or spatial autocorrelation.
  14. There are still many people think that intra-industry trade is a "statistical phenomenon", this misconception is a large bafflement to the development of intra-industry trade.
  15. Statistical analysis of large samples showed that, the apoptosis and proliferation rates fluctuated in the same range, this phenomenon was in accordance with the theory of chemotherapy.
  16. According to the statistical results about the questionnaire survey, unify the development vein of Chinese education to analyze the reason of the phenomenon.
  17. In the paper, the statistical properties of algae during the algal blooms is verified from the perspective of CNs characteristics, which reveals that the phenomenon of algal blooms is a statistical result of multi-factor interaction and multi-dimensional cooperation in water body during algal blooms.
  18. Statistical index is one of the key indicators of changes about comprehensive reflection the socio-economic phenomenon and it plays an important role in various economic analyzing.
  19. On the other hand, this thesis makes statistical analysis on compilers 'identity and division of responsibility to discover the reason of such phenomenon in the chorography of Qing dynasty.